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Friday, September 18, 2009

This week I decided that it is definitely never too early to start making a Halloween costume. At this rate, I'll be lucky if my family's costumes are done by Halloween, let alone anyone else's. Weaving is a slow business to begin with, but it seems to get even slower when I'm never there to push the shuttle through the strings. And as for the civil war gown, sewing with a pattern is certainly a new experience. There are a lot of pieces that I'm not sure are entirely necessary, but I'm committed to sewing my first pattern exactly as it is. Next time, I'll rework to my liking.

Well, onto this week's craft project. The gourds are getting nice and ripe, in fact we've harvested a few already. A lot of people who purchase them ask what to do with them after the season is over. There are two answers. They can either be fed to a local band of ravenous cows who will happily devour every squash, pumpkin, and gourd they can get their teeth onto, or the gourds can be dried. This week's project involves making birdhouses from dried gourds.

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