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Sunday, August 9, 2009

A country farm is without question the greatest place in the world for a crafter to live. Perhaps being a country girl myself makes me a bit biased, but for the crafter, there does seem to be a certain advantage to living in the backwoods of the world. What we can't grow ourselves, we can find readily available in nature or at the very least, buried somewhere in the deep recesses of the barn.

Using these resources, the country crafter can make practically anything from baskets and fabric dyes to knitting needles and musical instruments. (Yes, even a guitar can be made by a desperate 16-year-old with some abatibi board and a lot of duct tape.) The best thing about crafting for a hobby is that it's always there waiting. A person can begin a project, leave it for weeks or months, and then suddenly re-immerse themselves in the project once more. The craft project is always ready to be called upon, when the time is right.

On the subject of time and crafts, I've finally gotten around to fixing this websight. I've been meaning to do so for quite sometime, but haven't had the chance. Life happens after all. I know the same five crafting how-to's have been there for weeks, so my hope now is to try and make time to post a new one every Friday. But as the saying goes, the best laid plans of men and mice go shortly awry; we'll see what happens.

~The Woodland Elf

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